@ Cloverleaf,
Bitcoin is not a company or anything of the kind. It's a protocol. Your comment is the same as saying "Paid commercial by Internet". Which in 1998 might have impressed a good few people, but today would just pass for utter nonsense (or have a complete different meaning as use of internet has grown in many various ways since its infancy) . I guess we'll talk about that in 10-15 years as we'll know then if the protocol is viable
You should definitely take a look at it and try to understand it a bit more. It's quite an interesting topic, especially for people like sports bettors, exchanging values on a regular basis, needing fast confirmation, and fast withdrawal. To quote yourself, educate yourself. I'll be happy to point you to interesting ressources to learn on the matter. But that's for a different topic.
@Fish, if you're really looking for advice, get in touch with a lawyer or some adequat conseilling. I doubt the words of a few guys on a forum should be the confirmation you're looking for. If taxes are involved, you want to make sure you do things right. So, ask a professional. Cause you'll have professional chasing your ass, should you do anything wrong on that matter